We provide genuine compassionate and practical care for all your domestic pets and farm animals.

Our services covers Wauchope, King Creek, Beechwood, Kendall, Kew, Lorne, Pappinbarra, Byabarra, Sancrox, Rawdon Island, Pembroke, Comboyne, Long Flat, Rollands Plains, Gum Scrub, Telegraph Point, Port Macquarie, Lake Innes, Thrumster, Lighthouse Beach, and Lake Cathie.

Our Services


Small Animal Services

We are equipped to undertake a large range of medical and surgical procedures in our licensed Veterinary Hospital.


Puppy School

Wauchope Vets partners with TATE Animal Training Enterprises (TATE) for Puppy School.

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“I take all my pets to Wauchope Vets. They are fantastic. Highly recommended.”


“Michael and staff are wonderful. Very caring and always go the extra mile to make sure your animal gets the best care.”